Capturing Love Sustainably: A Journey of a Sustainable Wedding Photographer 

Sustainability is a buzz words at the moment, but it is something that I take seriously as a wedding photographer. I have learnt that it’s important to look after the world that we live in and the creatures that inhabit it. Being a sustainable wedding photographer involves more than just taking beautiful photos; it means preserving the beauty of our planet while capturing the special moments of a couple’s big day. 

sustainable wedding photographer

As a sustainable wedding photographer I prioritise the use of equipment and accessories that are environmentally friendly. I opt for eco-friendly camera bags, lens cleaning solutions, and tripods made from sustainable materials. I use energy-efficient LED lights and rechargeable batteries. I’m also a member of a group of similar thinking photographers who share lens when it’s convenient.

I only offer a sustainable option for my photographic books with a company called Folio

The hybrid option that I offer where I shoot both photography and film means that I come as a one man band, therefore cutting down on the amount of people that you have at the wedding, and the knock on effect of that being a reduction in carbon footprint.

While film photography is great, digital photography is inherently more sustainable. Film production and processing involve chemicals and resources that are detrimental to the environment. Digital photography, on the other hand, eliminates the need for film rolls and chemical development, making it a more eco-friendly choice. I don’t choose to store my images on the cloud as the data hubs have been to shown to be responsible for a large amount of the technology generated greenhouse gas emissions, instead I back up onto external hard drives.

I’m always happy to recommend and collaborate with like minded suppliers who feel that its important to make a difference and offer a fantastic service.

Digital flow has now become the normal and eco friendly way of communicating. All of my communication, invoices and contracts are sent via email. This just seems sensible.

I am lucky enough to live amongst one of the most beautiful untouched bird sanctuaries on the south coast, and am aware of how important it is to not leave a trace. 

Leave things as you have found them (unless you are cleaning up)

Don’t litter

Don’t be destructive

I have not always been this aware or thoughtful towards my surroundings, it is a continual learning process. Being a sustainable wedding photographer goes beyond taking stunning photographs; it’s about making a positive impact on the environment and inspiring others to do the same. By implementing eco-friendly practices I am hoping to leave a more beautiful world for my children and for future generations to enjoy.